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Development Log - Week of
Nov. 8th, 2023


<--- Start of Development Log - Week of Nov. 8th, 2023 --->


During this week, our team dedicated efforts to developing two risky driving scenarios and improving the car interface.


Vehicle Improvements

  • Created a new mesh for car model

  • Created new steering wheel mesh to allow steering within VR

  • Updated car sensitivity level, less shaky now to reduce/ avoid dizziness/ motion sickness (feedback from playtest)

  • Added side view and rear view mirrors on the vehicle (feedback from playtest)

  • Added keyboard features to drive the vehicle (W, A, S, D) in addition to VR controllers


Lobby Level

  • A new scene set up with a front desk with a button on it, player may click on the button (line trace implemented) and choose which risky driving scene to go into

  • When players select a scene,  they will be taken to that particular scene and spawn at a specific location

  • Player is able to teleport on this level


Progress on our Risky Driving Scenarios


  • Added Pedestrian animations on sidewalks​

1. Text & Driving Scenario

  • Created Grab-able phone object on the front passenger seat

  • Urban plannings:

    • ​Added street lights on all streets
    • ​Added traffic signs including stop signs and right turn only signs at all intersection 

    • Added traffic lights at multiple intersections​

    • Added graffiti on walls

2. Drunk & Driving Scenario

  • Created lagging when controlling the vehicle to simulate delayed reaction time

  • Created an augmented vision effect to simulate drunk vision

  • Added NPC cars on roads​​

    • These cars are set up with collision boxes to detect other cars on the road, and hence are able to adjust their speed and braking such that they do not crash into each other.

    • The logic for these cars is not finalized as there are still many edge cases and scenarios that need to be configured such as two cars turning at an intersection.


Testing and Feedback:  

  • Conducted preliminary testing sessions with team members; further playtests are scheduled for November 15th, involving external developers for more comprehensive feedback


Plans for Next Steps (Week of 11/15/2023):  

  • Lobby Level: add an NPC that introduces the application and how to navigate through scenarios

  • Vehicle: Add steering wheel

  • Drunk Driving:

    • Implement feature where user starts off 'sober' and progressively the drunk effect starts​ to kick in.

    • Add a sensitivity node to the effect such that the user can choose how severe the drunk effect will be.

  • VR Scenarios Improvements (text and driving & drunk driving)

    • Add an instruction page at the start of each scenario

    • Implement prompts and reminder messages within each of the two scenarios

    • Iterate on the VR simulations based on feedback received during testing sessions. 

    • Add collision effects with respective sound tracks in both scenarios:

    • Create specific goal for player to achieve within the city to make the application more enjoyable and goal-oriented


<--- End of Development Log - Week of Nov. 8th, 2023 --->

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